I hope this email finds you all well. How things have changed so quickly and I believe they will continue to do so. I wanted to touch base with you all and let you know that we are still open. The Health Department would like to keep us open as long as possible so that people with musculoskeletal problems can be seen by us and not GPs or Emergency Departments (they have enough on their plate). We have upped the anti on disinfection and infection control procedures.

We do ask anyone with any symptoms of fever, coughing, sore throat and fatigue to stay away. Anyone who has had recent contact with someone who has or is suspected to have COVID-19 should also stay away.

Working from home

Well the last I heard was that Officeworks and all office suppliers had run out of desks, chairs and home office equipment. So I hope you have all been successful in acquiring what you needed. If you weren’t you can easily adjust what you are already using at home. The image below gives you an idea of how you should be sitting or standing when working at your computer. The main issues include: support for your lower back – this is ensured by the height of your seat and having a gentle tilt of your seat down towards your knees. You can adjust your screen if it is too low by putting books underneath. This takes me to laptops –  please try and plug in an external keyboard so that you can elevate the screen of your laptop to the correct height. If your dining table, desk is too high elevate your seat or if you can’t do this pop a cushion (firm) on your seat to elevate you. Then if you need, place a small step or book under your feet so that your feet have a platform to rest on.

The most important point is that you should not spend hours and hours in the same position. Having good ergonomics is good however nothing beats changing your position. Standing up during phone calls, moving to get your printing, standing and swinging your arms around, stretching, wiggling. This is most important to get the blood flowing to your working postural muscles and avoiding overuse issues.

ergonomic office chair



Gyms are now closed!!! Yikes!!! Oh no!!! I hear those cries. Don’t despair – you can keep exercising from home. I heard Rebel and gym suppliers are also running low! Oooops didn’t mean to up the anxiety. From home you can get a great cardiovascular workout. You can go for a walk, run or ride still (just make sure you keep those social distancing rules in mind). It has been suggested to not over train as this may lower our immune system, something we don’t want at the moment. So just keep in place what you have already been doing.

For weight training or resistance training adapt your workout to what you have at home. Use free weights if you have them, if not use something heavy you have lying around the home – such as: bottles filled with water, packets of rice (if you have any that is!), paint cans, books. An easy and cheap alternative is resistive bands. They are the green or red or blue elastic bands you would have seen in our practice hanging off the doorknobs. These are a great alternative and can be used to exercise most muscles in your body.


Here is a sample of exercises you can do with resistive bands and there are many many more.

What’s everyone doing at home?

Looking at social media there’s lots people are doing at home. Keeping fit – as mentioned above. Baking – there’s lots happening in people’s kitchens, bread making has had a resurgence! Walking and playing outdoors. I went for my ususal bike ride on Saturday and I have never seen so many people out and about. Lovely to see actually, even though lots got in my way 🙂  Good luck everyone and I’ll keep in touch.

Lena Juross

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